Mastering the Content Security Policy Directive: “frame-ancestors ‘none'” When Using getAccessTokenSilently with Auth0
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Mastering the Content Security Policy Directive: “frame-ancestors ‘none'” When Using getAccessTokenSilently with Auth0

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What is the Content Security Policy (CSP)?

The Content Security Policy is a security feature introduced by W3C to help protect web applications from various types of attacks, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and clickjacking. It allows developers to define which sources of content are allowed to be executed within a web page, mitigating the risk of malicious scripts and code injections.

Why do I need to care about CSP when using getAccessTokenSilently with Auth0?

When using getAccessTokenSilently, Auth0 employs an iframe-based approach to silently authenticate the user and obtain an access token. However, this iframe-based approach can trigger CSP issues, specifically the “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive. This directive dictates that the iframe should not be accessible from any ancestor frames, effectively blocking the silent authentication flow.

Understanding the “frame-ancestors ‘none'” Directive

The “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive is a part of the CSP policy that specifies which ancestor frames are allowed to frame the current page. In this case, setting it to ‘none’ means that no ancestor frames are permitted to frame the page, including the iframe used by Auth0 for silent authentication.

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none';

This directive is often used as a default policy to prevent clickjacking attacks, where an attacker embeds your webpage in an iframe and tricks users into performing unintended actions.

Solving the “frame-ancestors ‘none'” Issue with getAccessTokenSilently and Auth0

To overcome the CSP restriction, you need to modify the CSP policy to allow Auth0’s iframe to function correctly. There are two approaches to achieve this:

Approach 1: Whitelist Auth0’s Domain

You can add Auth0’s domain to the whitelist of allowed ancestors, allowing the silent authentication iframe to work as intended.

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors https://[your_auth0_domain];

Replace [your_auth0_domain] with your actual Auth0 domain.

Approach 2: Set a More Permissive CSP Policy

Alternatively, you can relax the CSP policy by setting the frame-ancestors directive to ‘self’, allowing the iframe to be framed by the same origin.

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self';

This approach is less secure than whitelisting Auth0’s domain, as it allows any iframe from the same origin to frame your page.

Implementing the Solution in Your Auth0 Configuration

Once you’ve chosen the approach that suits your security requirements, you need to update your Auth0 configuration to reflect the modified CSP policy.

For Approach 1 (Whitelisting Auth0’s Domain):

import { WebAuth } from '@auth0/web-auth';

const auth0 = new WebAuth({
  // your Auth0 configuration
  domain: '[your_auth0_domain]',
  clientId: '[your_client_id]',
  redirectUri: '[your_redirect_uri]',
  // Add the following configuration
  iframeOrigin: '[your_auth0_domain]',

// Use getAccessTokenSilently as usual
  /* options */

For Approach 2 (Setting a More Permissive CSP Policy):

import { WebAuth } from '@auth0/web-auth';

const auth0 = new WebAuth({
  // your Auth0 configuration
  domain: '[your_auth0_domain]',
  clientId: '[your_client_id]',
  redirectUri: '[your_redirect_uri]',
  // Add the following configuration
  iframeOrigin: 'self',

// Use getAccessTokenSilently as usual
  /* options */

Best Practices and Considerations

When working with CSP and Auth0, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use a strict CSP policy to ensure maximum security, and only relax it when necessary.
  • Whitelist specific domains or origins instead of setting a more permissive policy.
  • Keep your Auth0 configuration and CSP policy up-to-date to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Monitor your application’s security posture and adjust your CSP policy accordingly.


In conclusion, the “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive in the Content Security Policy can be a hurdle when using getAccessTokenSilently with Auth0. By understanding the directive and implementing one of the two approaches outlined in this article, you can overcome this issue and ensure seamless silent authentication for your users. Remember to follow best practices and stay vigilant about your application’s security posture.

Directive Explanation
frame-ancestors ‘none’ Specifies that no ancestor frames are allowed to frame the page.
frame-ancestors ‘self’ Allows the iframe to be framed by the same origin.
frame-ancestors https://[your_auth0_domain] Whitelists Auth0’s domain, allowing the iframe to be framed by Auth0.

By following the guidelines and instructions in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the Content Security Policy directive and ensuring a secure, seamless authentication experience for your users.

Here is the response:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the lowdown on using “frame-ancestors ‘none'” with Auth0’s getAccessTokenSilently method.

What does the “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive do in Content Security Policy?

The “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive in Content Security Policy (CSP) restricts the sources that can embed a web page as a frame or iframe. By setting it to ‘none’, you’re prohibiting any website from framing your app, which helps prevent clickjacking attacks.

Why is “frame-ancestors ‘none'” necessary when using getAccessTokenSilently with Auth0?

Auth0’s getAccessTokenSilently method uses an iframe to perform silent authentication, which is vulnerable to clickjacking attacks. By setting “frame-ancestors ‘none'”, you ensure that only your app can load the iframe, preventing malicious actors from hijacking the authentication flow.

How does “frame-ancestors ‘none'” affect the user experience when using getAccessTokenSilently?

The “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive won’t impact the user experience directly. However, if an attacker tries to frame your app, the browser will block the attempt and display an error, which might cause confusion. But for legitimate users, everything will work as expected.

Are there any exceptions or scenarios where I might need to relax the “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive?

While “frame-ancestors ‘none'” provides strong protection, there might be cases where you need to allow specific domains to frame your app (e.g., for embedded widgets or legitimate third-party services). In those situations, you can specify the allowed domains using the “frame-ancestors” directive, rather than setting it to ‘none’.

How can I implement “frame-ancestors ‘none'” in my Auth0 configuration?

To implement “frame-ancestors ‘none'” with Auth0, you’ll need to configure the Content Security Policy (CSP) in your app. This can be done by adding the “frame-ancestors ‘none'” directive to your CSP policy, either through your web framework or by setting the `content_security_policy` metadata in your Auth0 configuration.

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